Governor Cooper: Phase 1 is a careful, modest step to re-igniting our economy

Governor Cooper: Phase 1 is a careful, modest step to re-igniting our economy

Governor Roy Cooper stated at today’s press conference:

“At every briefing since our state’s first death, I’ve shared the number of fatalities due to COVID-19. As NC moves into Phase 1 today, I want everyone to remember what those numbers mean. Every time our state counts another death, a family and a community descend into mourning.

“As we make decisions and debate issues surrounding this virus, we must realize that each number represents the death of a real person. COVID-19 is a lethal threat. Separating people from their loved ones at the darkest of hours. And taking our everyday heroes away from us.

“But what we’ve learned in their deaths and from research is how to limit the spread of the virus. And I urge everyone to do what we know works, and to stay vigilant.

“And even though today at 5 pm, North Carolina moves into Phase 1, know that the Stay at Home order is still in effect. It's still better to stay home if you can. However, in Phase 1 there are more allowable reasons to leave home, including to help give the economy a boost.

“We can enter Phase 1 because the indicators we laid out two weeks ago – the data and the science – show that we can.

“Phase 1 is a careful, modest step to re-igniting our economy while keeping important safety rules in place. The gathering limit of 10 people remains in effect, but more businesses can open with important safety rules in place. State parks will be open too.

“We still need to keep certain businesses closed or limited during this phase. Public health experts have explained that any place people sit or stand still for more than 10 minutes, especially indoors, greatly increases the risk of spreading this virus.

“As we go out more, we must all get used to the Three Ws – wearing a face covering, waiting 6 feet apart from others and washing our hands frequently.

“This week marked special recognition for several important groups of people. Nurses, law enforcement officers, correctional officers and teachers all share the same appreciation week. This pandemic has taught us how truly valuable the people who work in these jobs are.

“We are grateful for them – and all of our first responders and frontline workers. They are showing us how team work, dedication and sacrifice will get our state to the other side of the pandemic.”

Governor Cooper also shared stories of some of North Carolina’s victims of COVID-19.

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