Unsung Heroes: Maner Nobles, a pillar in the local art community

Unsung Heroes: Maner Nobles, a pillar in the local art community

Maner Nobles channels her enthusiasm for art and education to benefit her neighbors. A devoted local artist and mentor, Nobles has consistently nurtured emerging talents across various age groups. It is her dedication to enriching the lives of those around her that makes her this week's Unsung Hero.

Born and raised in the area, attending schools in Lenoir and surrounding counties, Nobles chose a life path that would allow her to connect with the community in various ways.

"I like to bring a little bit of joy to the world. I like to do things," Nobles explained. "If there's a way that I can help anybody in any way, I'll do it."

Nobles is involved in local initiatives, one of which is a senior painting group. She took over the group six years ago and continues to create an inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels welcome. The group, which meets weekly, offers seniors an avenue to express their creativity while maintaining social connections.

"Art is therapeutic at any age," she said. "The worst thing that can happen to you as a senior is to lose your socialization."

Furthermore, Nobles is also contributing to the beautification and functionality of public spaces. Recently, she was approached to assist in refurbishing the gallery at the Mary’s Kitchen. She took it upon herself to update the signage for both the exterior and a new addition to the building.

"I went down there and there's such a good atmosphere in that program, in that building. And the colors are pretty good too. So when I was done, I really enjoyed it," she said.

Nobles also emphasizes the importance of community, and her work resonates with that belief. She’s a member of the Kinston Smart Artist Program which brings artists from all over the country to downtown Kinston.

"There's always something in everybody worth bringing to light," Nobles noted. She applies this philosophy not just in her role as mayor but also as a mentor in the art community.

Noble has worked to foster the local arts. Her dedication to the community's artistic and social well-being makes her an unsung hero deserving of the spotlight. For the residents of Lenoir County and the surrounding areas, Maner Nobles remains a symbol of community engagement, integrity, and a commitment to enriching lives through the power of art and service.

Dear Neuse News Community,

We believe that every community is built upon the efforts of its unsung heroes – those remarkable individuals who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make our neighborhoods better places to live. That's why we're reaching out to you today. We're looking for your recommendations for individuals right here in our community – who embody the spirit of selflessness and dedication. If you know someone who consistently goes above and beyond to make a positive impact, whether through their acts of kindness, community service, or simply being a beacon of support, we want to hear about them. Help us shine a spotlight on these unsung heroes who inspire us all. Please send in your recommendations so that together, we can acknowledge and celebrate those who make our community truly special.

Warm Regards,

Kristy Kelly

Assistant Publisher, Neuse News

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