Unsung Hero: Sue Ellen Maddux - A Pillar of Community Service

Unsung Hero: Sue Ellen Maddux - A Pillar of Community Service

Our Unsung Hero this week is a remarkable woman named Sue Ellen Maddux. Her incredible contributions to the community have earned her the title of Unsung Hero, recommended by the Kinston Police Department Chief Keith Goyette.

Maddux's journey in Kinston began in 1980 when she and her husband relocated from Georgia. She arrived in a town where she knew no one, but with determination and a heart full of goodwill, she soon made a significant impact.

“I think one of the best ways to help with our problems is to get involved in the process of trying to repair our problems,” said Maddux.

Maddux's initial involvement in the community came through her work in banking. This career path provided her with a unique opportunity to connect with people on a personal level, fostering lasting relationships.

“This is a great community, and if we all work together, we can make it greater,” said Maddux.

However, her true immersion in community service began when she answered a call to get involved with Kinston Youth Baseball. Little did she know that this would be the start of a lifelong commitment to making Kinston a better place.

As a result of her involvement in youth baseball, Maddux was invited to serve on the Recreation Commission, a pivotal role that allowed her to witness the incredible impact of Parks and Recreation in the community. She acknowledges that they are the unsung heroes behind many of Kinston's successes.

Maddux's community involvement didn't stop there. After her time at Arendell Parrot Academy as the Financial Administrator, she took a brief hiatus and then felt the pull to return to volunteering. One notable achievement was her initiation of the Fairfield Community Watch in 2015, which has now grown to 500 members. This initiative demonstrated her knack for bringing people together to make positive changes.

Her dedication to community safety led her to the Crime Stoppers Board, where she played a crucial role in making Kinston a safer place. Maddux appreciated the transparency of the current law enforcement leadership, which has instilled confidence in the community.

However, one organization close to Maddux's heart is The Gate, a faith-based Community Center that provides a safe haven for children. She joined The Gate in 2019 and passionately advocates for it, emphasizing that children need love, belief, and support to thrive.

“If a child knows that you love them and that you're going to love them through whatever, and that you believe that they can, they will”, said Maddux. “It makes all the difference in the world.”

Maddux's story is one of selflessness and dedication. When asked about her future plans, she simply responds that she takes each day as it comes, committed to making a difference wherever she can. Her love for Kinston and Lenoir County is unwavering, and she believes in the community's potential for greatness.

In Sue Ellen Maddux, Kinston has a true unsung hero—a person who embodies the spirit of service and inspires others to join the cause. Her story reminds us that greatness can be achieved when a community works together, one person at a time.

Dear Neuse News Community,

We believe that every community is built upon the efforts of its unsung heroes – those remarkable individuals who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make our neighborhoods better places to live. That's why we're reaching out to you today. We're looking for your recommendations for individuals right here in our community – who embody the spirit of selflessness and dedication. If you know someone who consistently goes above and beyond to make a positive impact, whether through their acts of kindness, community service, or simply being a beacon of support, we want to hear about them. Help us shine a spotlight on these unsung heroes who inspire us all. Please send in your recommendations so that together, we can acknowledge and celebrate those who make our community truly special.

Warm Regards,

Kristy Kelly
Assistant Publisher, Neuse News

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