Jones county budget for 2023-2024 fiscal year

Jones county budget for 2023-2024 fiscal year

Jones County, North Carolina, has adopted its budget for the fiscal year 2023-2024, outlining the allocations for various departments and services. The budget, approved by the Board of Commissioners on June 5, 2023, will come into effect on July 1, 2023.

The budget ordinance, consisting of several sections and funds, provides a comprehensive overview of the planned expenditures and estimated revenues for the upcoming fiscal year. The following are the key highlights from the adopted budget:

General Fund:

The General Fund accounts for the operation of the County Government and its activities. The total appropriations for the General Fund amount to $19,527,267. Some notable allocations include:

  • Sheriff: $2,256,507

  • Emergency Medical Services: $1,703,426

  • Schools Current Expense: $1,704,460

  • Social Services Administration: $2,190,558

  • Health - General: $553,546

  • Public Buildings: $516,072

The estimated revenues for the General Fund are projected to be $19,527,267. These revenues primarily come from sources such as property tax, sales tax, interest, licenses, permits, fees, and intergovernmental revenues.

Fire District Funds:

The Fire District Funds are designated for the operation of volunteer fire departments. The total expenditures for the Fire District Funds amount to $181,800. The revenues for these funds are estimated to be $181,800 and come from specific fire districts within the county.

Water Enterprise Fund:

The Water Enterprise Fund is allocated for the county water enterprise. The total expenditures for this fund are $2,038,300, which include administration and collections, raw water supply, water construction, and transfers to the water reserve. The revenues for the Water Enterprise Fund are estimated to be $2,038,300.

Trust Funds:

The Trust Funds encompass various departments and services. The total expenditures for the Trust Funds amount to $953,163, allocated among the Social Services Trust Fund, Fines & Forfeitures Trust Fund, Ad Valorem Tax Trust Fund, Extension Trust Fund, Sheriff & Animal Cruelty Trust Fund, and Miscellaneous Trust Fund. The estimated revenues for the Trust Funds are also projected to be $953,163.

Overall, the estimated total revenue for the county budget is $22,700,530, which includes both ad valorem taxes and other revenue sources.

The budget ordinance also grants the County Manager the authority to transfer appropriations among line items within departments and among departments within the respective funds, provided the transfers do not exceed $10,000 per transfer.

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