Governor's Volunteer Service Award recipient recognized by Lenoir County Commissioners

Governor's Volunteer Service Award recipient recognized by Lenoir County Commissioners

The Lenoir County Commissioners recognized the Governor's 2023 Volunteer Service Award Recipient, Ms. Sarah Elizabeth Wentz at their most recent meeting.

The Governor's Volunteer Service Award honors the true spirit of volunteerism by recognizing individuals and groups that make a significant contribution to their community through volunteer service. Any person, group, or entity from the public, nonprofit and private sector may be nominated for an award to their county award coordinator. County award coordinators submit their top 10 volunteer nominations per county. There are categories for the type of nominee (senior, youth, faith-based, family, group, business, etc.). Additional categories are based upon the area of service (animal, environmental, disaster, youth, preservation, etc.). County recommendations are reviewed by the Commission and awards are given out in the counties.

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