Sammy Aiken brings experience and vision to Lenoir County Commission race

Sammy Aiken brings experience and vision to Lenoir County Commission race

Sammy Aiken, a retired Navy veteran with a wealth of community service experience, is vying for one of two At Large Lenoir County Commission seats, aiming to enhance services and the overall quality of life for county residents. With twelve years of service on the Kinston City Council under his belt, Aiken believes his background in government affairs positions him as a valuable candidate for the commission.

"I am seeking the Lenoir County Commission seat to improve services and the quality of life for all county residents," Aiken stated, emphasizing his commitment to bettering the community.

Addressing the county's economic landscape, Aiken highlighted the diverse range of resources available, from agriculture to recreational activities, and pledged to support small businesses through various means.

"I will encourage growth of small business through technical assistance, financial support, and downtown marketing," he affirmed.

Recognizing the importance of infrastructure, Aiken stressed the need for improvements in transportation and utilities.

"The city and county roads need more attention to ensure ease of transportation. The water and sewer system needs to be updated and more carefully managed," he explained.

In addressing unemployment, Aiken proposed the creation of a "School to Work" program in collaboration with local businesses and advocated for tailored curriculums at Lenoir Community College to align with job opportunities.

"I will encourage LCC to create curriculums that match the existing and future job opportunities," he added.

Aiken also emphasized the significance of sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship, advocating for better coordination with authorities and seeking grant opportunities to address environmental challenges.

Turning to public safety, Aiken underscored the importance of adequate resources for law enforcement agencies and regional cooperation to reduce crime.

"Law enforcement budgets are among the largest in our area. We should maintain that priority as well as seek more regional cooperation to reduce crime and improve public safety," he stated.

Regarding fiscal responsibility, Aiken expressed optimism about the county's potential for growth, particularly with recent investments in the manufacturing sector.

"Lenoir County has tremendous potential with a solid and growing manufacturing sector," he noted, emphasizing the need for prudent management of new revenues to benefit all citizens.

With a distinguished career in public service and a commitment to progress, Sammy Aiken presents himself as a candidate poised to make a positive impact on Lenoir County's future.

In-person early voting started on February 15, 2024 and will end on March 2, 2024 at 3:00 pm. Primary Election Day is March 5, 2024. There are two At-Large seats for the Lenoir County Commissioners race. Democrats Feletia Smith Lipford and Sammy Aiken will face Linda Rouse Sutton in the Democrat Primary. The top two vote getters will face Republican Keith King in the general election in November.

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