Unsung Heroes: Malcolm Dawson, A Beacon of Leadership in Greene County

Unsung Heroes: Malcolm Dawson, A Beacon of Leadership in Greene County

Snow Hill – In the heart of Greene County, there's a man who's making a significant difference, quietly shaping the future of the community through sports and mentorship. This week's unsung hero, Malcolm Dawson, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation in Greene County, embodies dedication and passion for his community.

Dawson, a native of Greene County, has been an integral part of the Parks and Recreation Department since 2015. His journey started at Green Central, where he participated in basketball and football, followed by a successful stint at UNC Pembroke, where he earned a degree in sports management. Returning to his roots, Dawson began an internship in Greene County that eventually led to his current role.

His commitment goes beyond administrative duties. "Yeah, it's a lot of hours. I mean, whether it's baseball games, late basketball practices, or soccer games... We got to do it late," Dawson said, reflecting on the extensive hours he dedicates to his job. His dedication is a testament to his love for Greene County and its people.

The impact Dawson has on the youth is profound. Growing up with limited resources, he understands the importance of providing opportunities for the younger generation. "It's important to me because, when I was younger, all I had was the backyard," Dawson explained. Today, he ensures that kids have access to the new Wellness Center in Snow Hill, a $2,000,000 facility that offers a space they didn't have in the past.

Dawson's favorite sport is basketball, but his love for sports is all-encompassing. "I'm mostly at all Green Central games, home and away. I miss some away games, but whether it's football, basketball, I'm at most of the games," he said. His presence at these games is not just as a spectator but as a mentor and role model.

Dawson's role in the community goes beyond sports. He sees the need for more leadership in Greene County, especially role models for the youth. "I think I take pride in kids calling me Sunday morning, saying, hey, can we shoot basketball or, hey, can we go workout?" he shared. His open-door policy and personal involvement provide a strong foundation for the youth, helping them see opportunities both inside and outside Greene County.

His vision for the future is clear. "I hope it just gets the kids anything they want... You can also go outside of Green County and be something but you can also come back home and help your people out," Dawson expressed. His hope is to inspire the next generation to explore the world yet remember their roots.

Malcolm Dawson, through his tireless efforts and dedication, is not just an unsung hero but a beacon of hope and leadership in Greene County. His work exemplifies the power of community involvement and the profound impact one individual can have on the lives of many.

Dear Neuse News Community,

We believe that every community is built upon the efforts of its unsung heroes – those remarkable individuals who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make our neighborhoods better places to live. That's why we're reaching out to you today. We're looking for your recommendations for individuals right here in our community – who embody the spirit of selflessness and dedication. If you know someone who consistently goes above and beyond to make a positive impact, whether through their acts of kindness, community service, or simply being a beacon of support, we want to hear about them. Help us shine a spotlight on these unsung heroes who inspire us all. Please send in your recommendations so that together, we can acknowledge and celebrate those who make our community truly special.

Warm Regards,

Kristy Kelly

Assistant Publisher, Neuse News

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