Connecting with Social Services resources at the Public Library

Connecting with Social Services resources at the Public Library

Housing. Food. Transportation. Employment. Mental health resources. These are just a few of the things that we sometimes take for granted as always being there, but are a major struggle for others to obtain. There are people each day at our public library looking for assistance with these basic needs, and sometimes it can be difficult for them to find the right resource.

My name is Emilee Schiappa and I am a social work intern at Neuse Regional Library. I am currently finishing up my undergraduate studies but I am excited for what is to come in the next couple of months here in the Kinston community. We are eager to announce the launch of Let's Connect. This program will serve as an outlet for community members who need assistance on a wide variety of issues to get connected with the resources they need. 

Staff members have expressed to me how important of a role Neuse Regional Libraries play in the community. Our local libraries offer a welcoming environment for community members to connect with a variety of resources. As a result of this, many community members depend on the library as an accessible resource for fundamental information and services. It is the mission of Neuse Regional Libraries to provide easily accessible services that meets the needs of the community. Serving as a community center, the library often greets a diverse array of needs from local residents.  Through the Let's Connect program, the Library will be able to focus more on these users' individual needs.

The Let’s Connect program is here for community members whose needs go beyond the books. The aim of the program is to provide access to supportive information in making appropriate referrals that address patrons needs. As a Community Resource Specialist, I can offer patrons specialized assistance in a variety of public services and help them address any personalized issue they may be struggling with. I am here to help individuals access documents, information and resources that are needed in realizing their personal aspirations. This may include but not limited to; health care, mental health services, housing, employment, financial and legal services. It is important to note that as a Community Resource Specialist, while I cannot provide these services directly to patrons, I am available to help refer and provide guidance in the process of connecting with local agencies. 

My services will be open to the public beginning February 2. If interested you can set up a consultation at the Kinston-Lenoir County Public Library  or contact me via email at or call me at 252-527-7066 ext. 134.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns, I look forward to getting acquainted with the Kinston community!

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