Connie Hull Artist Talk: Ladies Who Lunch

Connie Hull Artist Talk: Ladies Who Lunch

Smart Gallery will present artist Connie Hull for its next Artist Talk on Thursday, October 27th at 6pm.  The title of the talk will be "Ladies Who Lunch", A Portion of Cultural and Economic Disparities Served Within a Menu of Worldwide Hunger.

This is a walk-around installation of a table set for a luncheon of six women, each from a different continent.  The food, place settings and utensils are bona fide examples of researched findings for each country.  The food is made of polymer clay and other mediums with each placement documenting the customs and peculiarity of the country represented.

Connie began sculpting with polymer clay after a stroke in order to rehabilitate the use of her hands.  In doing so she has become a master at creating a myriad of small shapes from animals and trinkets to more symbolic creations such as the presentation in her talk.  This installation is amazing in its presentation, research and ability to provoke awareness of such a raw and ever present condition.  This is what art makes you think.  We invite you to come and hear Connie's words and see her work for an all immersive experience.

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