Letter to the editor: We have freedom, but also great responsibility

Letter to the editor: We have freedom, but also great responsibility

A virus is ravaging our country and our world. In spite of the overwhelming evidence that masks and vaccines work to limit sickness and death, there are people who endanger themselves and others, claiming rights under the banner of personal freedom. The U.S. Constitution, does not grant us so much personal freedom that we can disregard the rights and wellbeing of those around us.

Even scripture indicates that it is the Lord’s will that we look out for one another. In fact, Jesus said that if we would follow him, we must deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow him. Following him means that we learn to become servants to one another. Democracy itself cannot endure if those who are part of it will not limit their own freedoms when necessary to safeguard the welfare of others.

We all delight in the lifestyle to which we have become accustomed, but as far back as the very early 1900's there were a few who were warning that all we were putting into the air would bring about significant climate change. Well today, we are beginning to suffer the consequences of what we have done, with more dire consequences to come. The lure of wealth, and the greed for more and more comfortable lifestyles have caused many to disregard or deny the warnings for decades.

The people living in the developed and developing countries today have to decide whether we will condemn much of the natural world to death, and create intense trouble and suffering for future generations, or whether we will make the necessary sacrifices to reverse our course. It appears that in our lifetime, we cannot undo all the damage we have already done. The question is whether we will do what we can to begin reversing the damage, or at least limit future damage. God has blessed us with people who have some knowledge of what we will have to do to achieve this.   

I do not buy the copout that “it is all in God's hands,” and “if the virus strikes me, it is God's will”; or “if climate change creates hell on earth, it is God's will.” It is not God's will. God has warned us against idolatry. Idolatry is what leads us to put ourselves above others, and to put our needs above the needs of future generations. It reminds me of the time in Revelation when people were suffering the consequences of their actions, as God had warned that they would, and still, they would not repent.

Truly, many of us were unaware of our sin, of the damage we were doing to the world and to others, but that does not excuse us. The consequences are just as real. We are responsible for the harm we do, not God. And God loves us so much that he grieves when we harm ourselves and others.  Will we earnestly repent, and call on God to help us choose a better path to the future? Or will everyone's responsibility become no one's responsibility, while we blindly continue down the road to destruction? God has put the choice in our hands.

"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it."

Doug Stokes
Ayden, NC 28513

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