Kristy Bock: Loss of Hope

Kristy Bock: Loss of Hope

Earlier this month, and for the third time, a fire ripped through a house in Kinston. A house on Glenwood Avenue didn’t even make the local news. However, this morning, as I sit here in my warm home preparing for Christmas, I can’t help but shed a few tears for the house on Glenwood. For the House of Hope that will no longer be built there.

It was to be the Women’s House of Hope. A place for women to rebuild their lives. Now there are no plans to rebuild in that spot until the arsonist is no longer able to burn it down. Addiction steals many things from people, but it was a human who stole their hope. I’m not going to speak against an unknown entity, because I am not fit to cast the first stone, but I am going to ask that tonight, when you all bow your head to pray that you say a prayer for the House of Hope.

All men and women need a second chance. I’ve had several. If we allow someone to destroy our attempts at helping our community, then we’ve already lost the battle for the city’s soul. While the fire is being investigated, we must not lose sight of what’s really important. I hope that the city does everything in its power to find and bring to justice the person or persons who clearly like to watch things burn, but we cannot forget that it was to be a House of Hope.

I’ve written quite a few articles about the Family Accountability and Recovery Court and remain invested in its success. I believe that it is more important to help those struggling with addiction controlling their lives, than to crucify them for the actions that led them to court. The sheer strength it must take for the mothers and fathers to get up and fight is something we should be in awe of. We certainly shouldn’t allow for roadblocks to be placed in their way because someone in our city thinks it's okay to light houses on fire. 

I want nothing more than to help the men and women who are struggling with demons I cannot begin to comprehend. Please take a moment and think about the strength it takes to be in recovery from addiction. Please don’t allow someone to rob them of the first step needed in getting their life back. A healthy, stable living environment can mean the difference between success and failure on their road to recovery. 

A new house will be purchased, in some other location because Hope Restoration will not allow an arsonist to get in the way of their mission, but it won’t be on Glenwood for now. I hope to write about a new location for this house very soon.

If my words have touched you, or the plight of the Women’s House of Hope on Glenwood has given you a desire to help, please do so. You can donate to Hope Restoration. Hope Restorations provides paid employment, training and support to adults recovering from addiction or incarceration in the form of construction. The group takes houses in declining neighborhoods and restores them and the people participating in the program.

I haven’t always had a home to call my own on Christmas morning because my life was impacted by the addictions of others. Those who are in recovery have to live with their past decisions, yet we have the power to give them back their hope.

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