Still unsure if NC is moving to Phase 2 on Friday

Still unsure if NC is moving to Phase 2 on Friday

Gov. Cooper also stated that he hopes to make an announcement on Phase 2 mid-week.

Governor Cooper’s statement for Monday afternoon’s press conference:

“Since the start of this pandemic, we’ve worked hard to protect long-term care facilities like nursing homes. We know that in addition to having many residents who are at-risk for severe illness, the nature of these facilities makes the virus spread easier from person to person.

“This week we are continuing a comprehensive push to distribute personal protective equipment to more than 3,800 licensed care facilities across the state, including nursing homes, adult care homes and more.

“We are able to do this, in part, because of local manufacturers who have worked with the state to shift their production to make personal protective equipment. With their help, we are now able to share the equipment to where it is needed.

“We are sending to them a two-week supply of face shields, procedure masks, gloves, shoe covers and hand sanitizer. I’m proud of and thankful for the emergency managers and National Guard members who are getting this critical gear to where it’s needed.

“Our Phase 1 Executive Order runs through this Friday, but as I’ve said – we are continuing to monitor the data and the metrics that we've laid out for our state. We will ease restrictions and move to Phase 2 only if we are headed in the right direction with our data.

“As we watch and examine the trends, we are working with public health and the private sector to determine how we can reduce the risk of spread in the next phase. Remember – we have flattened the curve, but the threat of COVID-19 is still here.

“Approximately 275 testing sites are on the DHHS website. In the last 7 days, we’ve tested an average of about 7,500 people per day. With expanded guidance to health care providers on who ought to be tested and more sites available, we expect daily testing to continue to increase.

“We know that life will look a little different for a while as we ease restrictions. As we all adjust, remember that patience and compassion will get us farther than hostility.

“I know that a quick trip to the store can be more stressful these days, with social distancing, face coverings, and being mindful of everything you touch. But it’s critical to do all these things to slow the spread of the virus and to protect others as well as yourself.

“Grocery store workers, delivery drivers, restaurant workers, shop owners – they’re on the front lines and taking important safety precautions to protect their customers.

“Show your appreciation for these workers by doing what’s right — wear a face covering, wait 6 feet apart, and remember that a simple thank you can sometimes be exactly what someone needs to hear during a tough time.”


With respect to counties that have asked for a regional reopening approach, Gov. Cooper stated, “if we are able to move into Phase 2 there really would not be a need right now for a regional or county by county approach because we’ll be putting out a new Executive Order. It would allow more freedom to do business, particularly some of the businesses that have been the loudest about wanting to go back into business. We’re continuing to keep the regional approach as a point of discussion and are looking at the potential of a regional approach, but as we go into Phase 2 if we’re able to do that this weekend then I don’t think there’d be any need. If we aren’t able to go into Phase 2 this weekend, then that’s something I think we’d take a closer look at.”


Gov. Cooper stated, “One of the reasons that these kinds of businesses have been closed is because of the close personal contact and the inability to social distance. Now that we have more and more personal protective equipment available out there for people and if both the person providing the personal service and the customer both wear the personal protective equipment, there is a lot of sanitation, then Phase 2 potentially looks at allowing those kinds of services to open. We haven’t made the decision on Phase 2 yet but we would anticipate that, but also say to both the customers and the people who are performing these services that you both have real responsibilities here to protect each other because you are also protecting each other’s families and friends.”


Gov. Cooper stated, “Regardless of whether there are any prohibitions people really need to be careful in those kinds of communal settings. We will be announcing what the restrictions are a little bit later on this week and I know a lot of things are still under discussion as health experts analyze the data.”

Dr. Mandy Cohen, NCDHHS Secretary, also added, “We are contemplating allowing pools to open in Phase 2 again as we look at the numbers and as we get comfortable moving forward in Phase 2, but we know that the pools will need to do things to protect folks. It will likely require having less people around than at full capacity, making sure they’re spacing chairs around the pool, wearing face coverings when not directly in the pool and then once in the pool having some social distancing within them as well. We have been working with the associations that represent a number of pools, I’ve gotten some additional feedback just today, so we’re going to incorporate all of that as well as look at some of our states surrounding us have done as well to make sure we’re taking in all that information. The when will all depend on the numbers that we look at and the metrics. The how - we work with our partners in each of these areas to make sure we’re tailoring to things that can protect the public health but also allow them to operate.”

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