Salvation Army providing birthday blessings for children during COVID-19 pandemic

Salvation Army providing birthday blessings for children during COVID-19 pandemic

The Salvation Army in Kinston has reached back to Christmas 2019 to pay it forward during the COVID-19 crisis. Christmas toys left over and stored awaiting the next Yule are instead being given to children under 12 in Lenoir, Greene, and Duplin Counties who have a birthday between April 1 and May 31, 2020. 

“So many people are not able to work right now or they have had their hours cut back. This is a way The Salvation Army can take a little extra burden off of parents while they struggle to keep food on the table,” said Captain Chris Lyles of The Salvation Army in Kinston. 

The program is for children ages 0-12 who have a birthday between April 1 and May 31, 2020. To register for the program, parents are required to complete a phone interview with The Salvation Army’s social worker. The Salvation Army will gather birthday gifts for the registered children according to age and gender. An appointment time is given to the parents to drive by to pick up the gifts and sign the necessary paperwork. 

Depending on how long the pandemic continues, and based on the supply of toys, the dates may be adjusted as needed. The community is encouraged to help The Salvation Army provide joy during this time. 

To give toys: Call the Salvation Army office at 252.523.5175 to schedule a time for drop off. The Salvation Army is located at 2110 N. Queen Street in Kinston, NC and is able to accept financial contributions and/or new toys Monday through Thursdays from 9am-4pm. 

To give financially to COVID-19 relief: (all donations help your local community) Online: 

By mail:
The Salvation Army of Kinston 
PO Box 1479 
Kinston, NC 28501 

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