Reece Gardner: Trump inquiry is going public

Reece Gardner: Trump inquiry is going public

The Trump inquiry is finally going public this week, on the heels of the revelation that it has in fact been going on "behind the scenes" for several years. Last week, Fox News' Sean Hannity uncovered a very interesting and revealing timeline on this effort and reported the following: Mark Zaid, one of the attorneys representing the whistleblower at the center of the impeachment inquiry tweeted conspicuously back in January 2017, just 17 days into the new Trump Administration, that "a Coup has started and impeachment will ultimately follow."

Then, in July 2017, Zaid remarked, "I predict CNN will play a key role in determining that Donald Trump will not finish out his full term as president." Zaid then tweeted, "We will get rid of him." Then, amid a slew of impeachment-related posts, Zaid assured his Twitter followers that "As one falls, two more will take their place," apparently referring to Trump Administration employees who defy the White House. Zaid promised that the "Coup" would occur in "many steps."

These tweets, which came to light shortly after Trump fired Acting Attorney General Sally Yates for failing to defend federal laws in court, show that the whistleblower's complaint is tainted with partisanship. Trump's Campaign Communications Director, Tim Murtaugh, said, "The whistleblower's lawyer gave away the game. It was always the Anti-Trumpers' plan to stage a coup and impeach President Trump, and they felt that all they ever needed was the right scheme. They failed with their two-year Mueller probe and then seized onto the Ukraine phone call, which will also fail."

As we learn more about alleged Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella, it becomes increasingly clear that this impeachment situation is a sham. It is now known that Ciaramella went to Adam Schiff's office first, and never disclosed this to the Inspector General.

He is also known to have close ties to numerous Anti-Trump zealots. Of all the witnesses called before the now public impeachment inquiry, Eric Ciaramella should be among the first to appear. I believe that most of us, without regard to party or politics, just want fairness to prevail and for our country to emerge from this situation stronger and more unified than ever.

Let's stand together to help make that happen.

Now to close on a humorous note: A politician, three doctors, and three engineers decide to climb Mount Everest. They arrive there and start climbing the long way up the tallest climb on earth. It's a gruesome climb, and they have to stop many times to rest and pull each other up.

Halfway into the climb, the rope starts to break. The doctors say they should all hang on and wait for help, but nobody believes that help will arrive on time. The engineers, with their quick physics skills, tell everyone, "At least one of us has to drop or we all die." Nobody wanted to jump. Everyone held tightly onto the rope.

Then the politician let out a sigh and declared, "You people are valuable resources for the country. A doctor can save many lives. An engineer can build many innovative things. But what am I? Just a politician. What can I do for society? Nothing. I just give speeches and that's it."

He gives out a very heartfelt sigh.

The speech was so good, everyone started clapping for the politician.

Have a WONDROUS day!

The views of columnists are not necessarily those of Neuse News.

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