All tagged vaccinations

New At-Home vaccination hotline: COVID-19 vaccinations available for those who cannot leave their home

In its effort to provide all with access to safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is partnering with Piedmont Triad Regional Council Area Agency on Aging (PTRC AAA) to provide free COVID-19 vaccinations to people with limited mobility who cannot leave their home. This new initiative expands PTRC AAA’s successful local at-home vaccination program to communities across the state.

Your Shot at a Million: Governor Cooper Announces $4 Million Summer Cash and College Tuition Drawings to Encourage COVID-19 Vaccinations

RALEIGH: As part of North Carolina’s effort to encourage more North Carolinians to receive COVID-19 vaccines, Governor Roy Cooper announced $4 Million Summer Cash and College Tuition drawings to motivate those who have not yet been vaccinated — and thank those who have. Four vaccinated North Carolinians 18 and older will win $1 million each and four North Carolinians ages 12 to 17 will win tuition for post-secondary education. Executive Order 219, which has concurrence from the North Carolina Council of State, authorizes the drawings.

National flu vaccine awareness week-December 6th – 12th

In 1960, the US Surgeon General, in response to substantial morbidity and mortality during the 1957-58 pandemic, recommended annual influenza vaccination for people with chronic debilitating disease, people aged 65 years or older, and pregnant women. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have chosen the week of December 6th thru the 12th this year to bring awareness to the fact that it is not too late to get a flu vaccination.