All tagged inspiration

Reece Gardner: Stand by friends when the going gets tough

All of us at times struggle with negative emotions, things we find difficult to understand. But we can better handle these negatives in this New Year of 2022 if we recognize that inspiration can come from them. For example, most of us are bothered by the way so many of our law enforcement people in various parts of our country are being treated today, from being humiliated and denied service at restaurants to being ambushed, wounded, and murdered.

Reece Gardner: Bring back family reunions

This past weekend was wonderful for me in every way. It began with the arrival of my beautiful daughter Jessica, and that event in and of itself was enough for me to accurately describe the weekend as wonderful. But it went even further than that. Jessica planned and helped carry out a mini Family Reunion, with our traveling to Elizabeth City to celebrate with various other family members from that area.