Bloomlite blooms downtown, offering education and quality hemp products

Bloomlite blooms downtown, offering education and quality hemp products

Kinston residents seeking wellness options can now visit Bloomlite, a new downtown store, located at 201 N Queen Street, specializing in USDA licensed hemp products. The company, previously operating online for three years, recently opened its first brick-and-mortar location, bringing its production and retail experience to Kinston.

"We're excited to be a part of the growing downtown scene," said Shelby Brown, co-owner of Bloomlite along with Nick Bowden. "Opening this store allows us to not only expand our production but also create a welcoming space for customers to learn about and explore the benefits of hemp."

Bloomlite offers a variety of hemp-derived products, including custom tinctures formulated for specific needs like sleep or daytime use, alongside popular choices like gummies and flower. Brown emphasizes that Bloomlite prioritizes customer education alongside sales.

"We're not here to just sell products," Brown explained. "Our focus is on building relationships and guiding customers towards the right solution for their individual needs. When you visit Bloomlite, you won't just walk out with a product; you'll gain valuable knowledge about hemp and how it can benefit you."

Bloomlite takes pride in the quality and legality of its products. All their hemp is sourced from farms that adhere to strict testing protocols, ensuring a THC content below the federally legal limit of 0.3%. THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana, is present in hemp but at much lower levels.

"The key difference lies in the way we cultivate our hemp," Brown said. "Our controlled growing environment keeps the THC A levels low, and as you know, THC A converts to THC when heated."

For customers who want to delve deeper, Bloomlite provides a wealth of resources. Every product boasts a QR code that, when scanned, reveals detailed lab results for complete transparency.

Bloomlite is open Monday through Friday from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. The store is closed on Sundays. Those interested in learning more can visit Bloomlite's website at or follow them on social media for updates and educational content.

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