Shaping Future Leaders: Spotlight on JROTC's Morales and Haynes

Shaping Future Leaders: Spotlight on JROTC's Morales and Haynes

Greene Central High School is proud to spotlight the leadership and dedication of Major Timothy Anthony Morales and SGT Brian Haynes, the driving forces behind our esteemed Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) program. Both instructors bring a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to fostering the next generation of leaders and responsible citizens.

Major Morales, with 22 years of active service in the U.S. Army and 4 years in teaching, serves as the Senior Army Instructor at Greene Central High School. His journey into education was sparked by a chance encounter and a deep-seated passion for the JROTC program.

"After 22 years of being in the army, I've dealt with everything from suicide to child abuse to going to war. And when I came back, I thought I would become a manager... But I fell in love with the JROTC program and I have loved this job since day one," Morales shared. His dedication to the program is evident in his innovative approach to teaching and his ability to inspire students.

SGT Brian Haynes complements the program with his 22 years of experience in the U.S. Army and 3 years as a JROTC instructor. His teaching philosophy is centered on mentorship and the development of leadership skills.

"The biggest thing that I enjoyed the most was mentorship and training, teaching people how to do the aspects of their job," Haynes explained. He emphasizes the program's structured progression, mirroring military training to facilitate personal and team development among students.

Both instructors are keen to emphasize that the JROTC program at Greene Central High School is not about military recruitment but about empowering young people to become better citizens. The curriculum includes leadership training, community service, health and finance education, and more, aimed at providing students with a well-rounded foundation for their future endeavors.

Under the guidance of Major Morales and SGT Haynes, students have engaged in numerous enriching activities, including a memorable visit from Congressman Davis and the creation of a striking JROTC logo and school crest mural, which Morales undertook to enhance the learning environment. These initiatives reflect the program's dynamic and engaging approach to education.

The impact of the JROTC program on students is profound, with many emerging as confident leaders and active community members. Morales takes particular pride in witnessing students' growth, saying, "When the kids get it... He speaks in front of adults, speaks in front of students, and he's become an amazing leader."

Greene Central High School is honored to have Major Timothy Anthony Morales and SGT Brian Haynes at the helm of our JROTC program, exemplifying the values of leadership, service, and education. Their unwavering commitment to our students and community continues to inspire and shape the leaders of tomorrow.

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