Pink Hill Mayoral election faces new challenge amid residency dispute

Pink Hill Mayoral election faces new challenge amid residency dispute

Pink Hill - The Pink Hill mayoral election has encountered another hurdle as an election protest has been filed, again challenging the residency of mayoral candidate Michael Horne. The protest comes after a previous challenge to Horne's eligibility was dismissed by the Lenoir County Board of Elections.

The protest, submitted by current Mayor Yvonne Deatherage, alleges that Michael Horne, a candidate for the position of Mayor in Pink Hill, does not meet the residency requirements necessary to run for office in Lenoir County.

In the protest document, Deatherage states that Horne's primary residence is located in Cape Carteret, NC, at 253 STAR HILL DRIVE. She further alleges that he has claimed a domicile in Pink Hill, specifically at 201 E LYNWOOD AVENUE, a small apartment located above a house. Deatherage contends that this property has been in Horne's family for many years and is presently occupied by his son and family.

The protest hinges on North Carolina General Statute § 163-127.5 (b), which addresses challenges to candidates. According to the statute, candidates must prove, by substantial evidence, their eligibility to run for office. This includes demonstrating that they have abandoned their original domicile, have taken up residence at a new domicile, and intend to make that new domicile their permanent home.

Deatherage's protest includes a detailed analysis of Horne's residency claims, accompanied by social media posts and other evidence that she believes demonstrates his continuous association with and presence in Cape Carteret.

Horne's statements in the previous Neuse News article related to the challenge were that he had never left Pink Hill and considered his Cape Carteret home a "beach home."

The protest argues that the evidence shows that Horne's legal domicile remains in Cape Carteret, making him ineligible to run for office in Pink Hill. It calls on the Lenoir County Board of Elections to investigate and verify his residency claims.

The Board of Elections now faces the task of reviewing the evidence presented in the protest and determining whether Michael Horne meets the residency requirements to run for Mayor of Pink Hill. The Board will meet Thursday, September 21st at 5pm in relation to the filed petition. This latest development adds uncertainty to the upcoming municipal election, scheduled for November 7, 2023, where Horne is challenging incumbent Mayor Yvonne Deatherage.

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