Justin Tilghman: Decision making doesn't have to cause anxiety

Justin Tilghman: Decision making doesn't have to cause anxiety

Decision-making is something we do every single day. We make decisions about our careers, relationships, finances, and personal growth. But, decision-making is often cited as one of the most anxiety prone parts of our lives. That doesn’t have to be the case; making decisions doesn’t have to cause you fear. Here are a few things you can begin putting into practice now to become a more confident decision-maker right now.

  1. Clarify your Core Values: Understand your values and long-term goals. What truly matters to you? Where do you want your life to go? Which of the options in front of you align with those? Answering these questions can begin to clear the fog around making decisions.

  2. Do Your Research: Gather relevant data, consult friends, family, and experts to make an informed choice. Be careful, though. You eventually need to make a decision. Don’t get stuck in the “research phase.”

  3. Evaluate Your Options: Now that you have an idea of your values and goals and you have some input from others, narrow down choices. Consider the pros and cons, risks, benefits, and alignment of each option with your values and priorities.

  4. Consult Your Intuition: There’s something to be said for trusting your gut. But, only do that after you’ve taken the time to think through your values and life goals. Ensure those “gut feelings” are grounded in an understanding the situation.

  5. Set A Deadline: This is critical. Avoid falling victim to “analysis paralysis” by setting a deadline for your decision.

  6. Commit To Your Decision: Now for the big moment. Once you’ve evaluated your options and made a choice, trust that you've made the best choice based on your values, priorities, and information.

  7. Learn And Be Flexible: What if you made the wrong decision after all? Don’t sweat it. Embrace setbacks as learning opportunities to improve future decision-making.

Common Pitfalls:

There are a few pitfalls to avoid in this whole process:

  • Combat Decision Fatigue: Don’t make too many choices at one time. Give yourself time and space to evaluate your options on every decision.

  • Counteract Confirmation Bias: Don’t just talk to people who are going to agree with you. Seek diverse perspectives and be open to changing your mind.

  • Avoid the Sunk Cost Fallacy: This is the idea that “I’ve already put too much into this to make a change,” and it can really derail decision making. Focus on potential future outcomes rather than dwelling on past efforts.

  • Combat Overconfidence Bias: Don’t overestimate your abilities. Get feedback, challenge assumptions, and stay open to learning from mistakes.

Confident decision-making is something that can be developed and improved over time. By implementing these strategies and reflecting on your choices, you'll become more adept at making decisions that align with your values and life goals. Better decision-making is one of the keys that opens the door to creating the life you want.

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