Lenoir County Farmer's Market update July 1, 2023

Lenoir County Farmer's Market update July 1, 2023

Market will be open on Tuesday, July 4th.

Lenoir County Farmer’s Market update for Saturday, July 1, 2023. The Market is open between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm on Tuesday and Saturday.

JUST IN FROM PORTER FARMS .... they will have LOCAL PEACHES and seedless Watermelons from their fields on Saturday!!! Summer is here when we can fill our tables with fresh corn, juicy watermelon, peaches, blueberries, cucumbers, squash, red potatoes, okra, zucchini, farm fresh eggs, grass-fed beef cooked on the grill, pork skins for nibbles, and funnel cakes or zucchini bread for dessert. What a wonderful picnic for any day, but especially on the FOURTH OF JULY !!

Julie Brennan will be back again this Saturday. She is baking more of that fabulous zucchini bread, banana nut bread, and delicious blueberry muffins. Come early and be the first in line to get one or more of these special treats!

PORTER FARMS: We have white and yellow/white corn, Heirloom tomatoes, slicing tomatoes, string beans, okra, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, (long green and pickling), blueberries and peaches. The corn will be offered shucked and unshucked. Bags of 62 ears will also be available.

 TC SMITH PRODUCE is bringing spring onions, SC peaches, Ivanhoe blueberries, a variety of greens, (including kale,) sweet potatoes, freshly dug red potatoes, squash, zucchini, onions, and tomatoes, plus a variety of jarred jams, veggies, and pickles.

Barnett Cattle Farm has local fresh frozen grass-fed beef ready for you to purchase. We plan to be at Lenoir County Farmers Market this Saturday, July 1st. Hope to see you there!

TJ DESIGNS: Teri will have her charming home accessories and crafts on display this week. Be sure to stop by to admire (and buy !) her handiwork.

KETTLE STYLE SNACKS will have pork skins, fried peanuts, and delicious funnel cakes. If you haven't tried one yet, do yourself a favor and "just do it"!

B & B Eggs and Crafts will be at the market this Saturday with spring-designed crafts, some with beachy motifs, farm fresh eggs, and naturally grown "HEIRLOOM" tomato plants (CHEROKEE PURPLE GERMAN JOHNSON, BLACK KRIM, BEEF STEAK, BOX CAR WILLIE) Some of these already have tomatoes on them! Sandra will also have LOCAL wildflower honey for sale. Try some. It is delicious and has all the
local pollens that give it health benefits related to allergies.

 Sunspot Gardens will be back at the market this Saturday!  We have a few tomato plants available including the hybrid red slicer AMELIA that folks were looking for earlier in the spring.  There are also some squash varieties available, a few cucumber bush plants, zinnia, and sunflower plants.  We also have several varieties of HOSTA available, so come check those out if you're looking for something for the shady areas of your yard! 

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