Snow Hill Police and Greene County Sheriff's Office unite against drug trade

Snow Hill Police and Greene County Sheriff's Office unite against drug trade

The Snow Hill NC Police Department posted the following on their Facebook page:  ·

Officer L. Perry conducted a traffic stop on US 258 bypass in Snow Hill. Officer Perry was assisted by Greene County Sheriff’s Office narcotics units after the initial stop was made. GCSO's K9 "Sasha" alerted on the vehicle and a thorough search was conducted of the vehicle. The search resulted in the seizure of over 85 grams of methamphetamine and a small amount of marijuana. Other items of paraphernalia were recovered related to the sale of narcotics. Robert Charles Menter was arrested and charged with trafficking in methamphetamine along with various other related charges. Menter was placed under a $105,000 bond at Greene County Jail.

SHPD would like to thank Officer Perry for his great work, and GCSO for their assistance in keeping dangerous drugs out of our community.

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