Sydney Sasser: America’s Independence Day reminds us of the work ahead

Sydney Sasser: America’s Independence Day reminds us of the work ahead

The Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. I love the fireworks, going to the beach, hotdogs, and everything else that comes with the holiday. It’s hard not to get swept up in all the celebrations and excitement of this day. There is also nothing quite like the comradery that occurs on this holiday.

Everyone agrees that they are proud of how far our country has come and that it’s the best. But let’s not forget that while our country might have come a long way from where it began in 1776, there is still plenty more work that needs to be done. So, while we celebrate this upcoming Fourth of July let us not forget some of the work that still needs to be done in this country, especially as we get closer to the municipal elections in November. Let’s keep in mind what work we want to be done and which candidates will accomplish that. 

Gun control is one of the most pressing issues. So far in 2023, as of May, there have been 184 mass shootings resulting in 248 deaths. While we enjoy watching fireworks and sitting around by the beach or pool, let’s take a moment to recognize the victims of gun violence and how they won’t be able to do that. Then let's think about how many more victims it will take for us to finally make a positive change toward gun control in this country. 

Another issue we should remember while we celebrate our independence is that women’s healthcare is still unnecessarily a highly controversial issue in our country. If you don’t like abortion, then simply don’t have one. But while we enjoy our Independence Day, may we all stop and think about whether it is our right to interfere with what other people do with their own bodies. We must question if elected officials, particularly men who will never comprehend the female experience or pregnancy, should have the authority to dictate women's healthcare.

For our younger generation, we should all be worried about the housing crisis in this country, this issue will affect us as we enter further into adulthood. In the past several years, active housing listings have dropped while the median cost of a home has surged. At the same time, the cost of renting a home has also increased. To put it frankly, there is just not enough housing for the population. The housing that is available is not necessarily affordable for all Americans to access.

These are just a few things our country still must work on. There is still progress that needs to be made. While we celebrate our nation’s independence, may we all stop to recognize some of these issues and think about what we can do to change them. Especially with elections coming up. Let us choose to vote for candidates that are willing to put in the work and continue to further progress issues that our country so desperately needs addressed.

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