Raney Rogers: Art in the city

Raney Rogers: Art in the city

The Arts are growing in Kinston and all you need to do is look around to see it…on walls, streets, fences... big and small. You can hear it in the music echoing through town on any given weekend evening and the aroma of delicious foods wafting in the breeze at outdoor eateries. 

There is a new pride of ownership taking place.  Talk of refurbishing the Paramount façade and in the meantime a simple act of pressure washing to bring back sparkling color and grandeur to what was once old and worn.  This is what art does…it makes you see the beauty in what is around and look as though through an artist’s eyes at the world.  

 Speaking of looking through an artist’s eyes, I have been very fortunate to be a part of the vision Smart Kinston City Project Foundation has for the city and to serve as the Executive Director for the last four years.  What an extraordinary experience to meet so many talented artists who share the community spirit it takes to breathe life into the arts and keep the flame going for years to come.   

We have grown to twenty artists from across the country as well as right here from home all of whom have the desire to create and to share their craft with others, which we all do at smART Gallery as well as the Arts Council and some of our “smARTists” also have a work space at Art 105.  There are so many talented and diverse artists in Kinston it is only a matter of time before we become known as the arts destination to see.  My advice to all of our wonderful creators out there is to keep making art and the buyers will come, led by our bright lights and brilliant colors.

 I have seen it all happen before.  A small, weary town, unkempt and all but forgotten by dreams covered with dust.  Then the streets are repaved and planters filled with flowers.  The local theatre with the crumbling entry gets a make over and voila, a chord has been struck. 

One by one the buildings come to life. Then investors come, businesses open, bed and breakfasts emerge, restaurants abound and art adorns every street corner and the people keep coming.  Revitalization, definitely another art form to be considered.

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