Vickie Jones Steps Down as President/CEO of Lenoir County Chamber of Commerce

Vickie Jones Steps Down as President/CEO of Lenoir County Chamber of Commerce

Vickie Jones, who served as the President/CEO of the Lenoir County Chamber of Commerce for the past 18 months, has tendered her resignation.

“We thank Vickie for her leadership and wish her the very best in her future endeavors,” said Chamber Board Chair Margaret Williams.

Jones' decision to step down was announced during a recent Executive Board meeting. According to Jones, her resignation was prompted by a desire for consistency and transparency within the organization.

When asked her reason for leaving, Jones stated, "Our values were no longer aligned."

Jones' departure, though unexpected, follows a series of successful chamber events. The recent job fair, in particular, received praise for its organization and positive impact on local employment opportunities.

“While Vickie was only here 18 months, she has continued to improve the Chamber by expanding membership outside of the City of Kinston, quality programs, completed a successful job fair, and the emergence of a Business Expo that has been a missing component for our Chamber members,” said Williams.

With Jones' resignation, the Lenoir County Chamber of Commerce now faces the task of finding a new director to continue its mission of supporting local businesses and fostering economic growth in the area. 

“Our current focus is to redefine what we are looking for in a leader and begin in earnest to open and complete that search,” said Williams.

Jones was asked what advice she would give to her successor, and she said, “Protect the integrity of the Constitution and By-Laws by keeping board term limits, including a rule for no nepotism, decrease the size of the board to 18 to 20 members and in doing so do away with the Executive Board to have only one full board that meets every other month. That would be a good start to reinstating a very strong organization.”

A meeting was called to hopefully address some of Jones’s concerns.

“A meeting has been scheduled for Monday morning to meet with Vickie Jones and with the full Chamber Board to provide a better understanding for why she is leaving,” said April Houston, Chair-Elect of the Lenoir County Chamber of Commerce. 

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