LCC WIOA Assists Student in Achieving his Career

LCC WIOA Assists Student in Achieving his Career

When 21-year-old Montreai Woodard of Walstonburg came to Lenoir Community College (LCC), he knew exactly what he wanted to do, he just needed financial help to do it. He was working at a local car dealership at the time. His goal was to enroll in Truck Driver Training and obtain his CDL’s. After talking with him, it was able to determine that Woodard was eligible for assistance through LCC’s Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Program. This program assists out of school youth ages 16-24 that qualify for assistance with schooling, training, and finding employment. 

“Montreai was highly motivated and eager to complete the necessary steps for enrollment into WIOA Youth Program,” LCC WIOA Career Advisor Tracey Price said. “Being a parenting youth, he said his goal was to provide for his family and give his son the best life he possible can. He enrolled in WIOA October 5, 2022. During enrollment we set two goals for him, to attain his CDL, and obtain a Career Readiness Certification (CRC).”

Woodard enrolled in a five-week CDL Training Class nearby and while studying and attending that class, he also practiced at home on attaining his CRC. He completed CDL training and got his license on December 9, 2022. He took the CRC exam three days later and scored a Gold Certificate, the highest level. “Those two achievements earned him a $250 gift card from Wal-Mart in accordance with WIOA’s policy on Incentives,” Price said.

She said that although the WIOA Youth program also aids in job search, paid work experiences, creating resumes and interviewing skills, Woodard did not need assistance with those program elements. “On December 15, Montreai received his Wal-Mart gift card and told me that he had been hired at SouthCo Distributing Company in Goldsboro as a driver.”

“I have worked with a lot of young people over the years helping them to reach their goals, but this young man reached his goals the fastest of anyone I have ever worked with,” Price said. “His determination coupled with his enthusiasm was refreshing.”

 Woodard said that he was grateful for the help he received through WIOA . “I had no idea program like this existed. I will definitely spread the word to family and friends about this awesome program.” 

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