Reece Gardner: Immigration will play role in upcoming election

Reece Gardner: Immigration will play role in upcoming election

The immigration "open borders" issue will play a prominent role in this year's election. This fact has been highlighted many times in newspaper editorials throughout the country, and by other various media outlets.  I want to expand on this issue in my column today. Entire cities have changed as millions of foreign-born people have come into the USA, making full use of the public health and education systems, and creating entire neighborhoods that largely reflect THEIR origins instead of traditional American culture. In many cases foreign-born newcomers are given free access to government-run services, which in many cases are already strained to the breaking point. 

Various public opinion polls indicate that a significant majority of people in this country are becoming very outspoken about the need to complete the border wall, promote strict border regulation, and slow down the entry of undocumented foreign-born nationals, many of whom are people who can't be vetted and who very likely have in their ranks some who desire to bring terror to our country. In this age of terror it is simply too dangerous, and in this time  of massive debt far too expensive, to absorb millions of undocumented people year after year.   Most Americans do not want open borders.  This isn't racist, or nationalistic, or inhumane. In fact, polls show that that most Americans welcome foreign-born people who come here  the legal way. 

I have some familiarity with this situation since I observed the efforts of My Emma as she taught citizenship classes at Lenoir Community Colleges for those who love this country and truly want to become U.S. citizens  These foreign-born Americans are generally hard workers who are loyal to their new country.  But we need to oppose illegal immigration and stop the flow of undocumented people illegally flowing across our borders. We just need a sane policy on admitting non-citizens, and we need strong leadership to enforce it. 

Now to close on a humorous note:  Two Nuns who worked in a hospital were  out driving in the country when they ran out of gas.  As they were standing beside their car on the shoulder of the road, a truck approached them.  Noticing the Nuns in distress, the trucker stopped and offered to help.  When the Nuns explained that they had run out of gas, the trucker said that he would be happy to help but he didn't have a bucket or a can. Hearing this, one of the Nuns pulled out a clean bedpan from the trunk and asked the trucker if that would do.  He said it would and proceeded to draw a couple of quarts of gas into the pan.  He then handed the pan to the Sisters, got back into his truck, and waved goodbye. While the Nuns were carefully pouring the precious fuel into the gas tank, a policeman  happened by.  He stopped and watched them for a minute, then said, "Sisters, I don't think that's going to work, but I sure do admire your faith!"  HAVE A WONDROUS DAY!

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