Local teen strives to break hygiene stigmas with Hope and Help campaign

Local teen strives to break hygiene stigmas with Hope and Help campaign

A local teen is collecting hygiene products for the young girls in her community to help ease the embarrassment of requesting them.

When Ricki Lane won Miss Merry Christmas of Pink Hill, she committed to a community service plan to help young girls in her community. The 17-year old South Lenoir High School cheerleader asked herself, ”What is a problem young girls in my area are facing, and how can I fix that?”

Lane is collecting feminine care products, deodorant, mini hair brushes, hair ties, and hand sanitizers are greatly appreciated. She is also accepting mini cosmetic bags. Many young girls are uncomfortable asking for hygiene products when they do not have them.

“If we could catch the problem early on, and let them know it is not embarrassing, these girls could go on through their years of schooling being there for others if possible,” said Lane.

Lane has spent most of her life surrounded by kids running in and out of her home. Her parents taught her never to say no to someone in need.

“I realized that not everyone grew up with what I had and not everyone was given the same opportunities,” said Lane. “So when I was asked about what I was doing for my community service project, Hope and Help hit home and I knew that I had to give something I’ve always had.”

Donations can be taken to South Lenoir High School or the Kinston Community Center. Apple Pay can be sent to 252-526-1983. If donating cash or checks leave them at the front desk of the community center for Kelly or Andy. At the high-school, walk through the front doors there is a big table items can be left on. Financial donations can be given to the front office.

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