GEC Student Earns his Eagle Scout

GEC Student Earns his Eagle Scout

Sawyer Wurdock, a Greene Early College junior, recently received the rank of Eagle Scout,  the highest achievement in the Scouting world.  Attended by family, friends and fellow scouts,  the official ceremony was held Saturday, April 10, at Hull Road Free Will Baptist Church. 

To receive this prestigious honor, a scout must meet hundreds of requirements. Usually requiring 4-6 years in Scouting to complete, one must climb 7 Scouting ranks, earn 21 merit badges, complete an Eagle Service Project, become a strong leader within their troop, and prepare their final Eagle Scout Binder.  It is interesting to note that only one United States President, Gerald Ford, became an Eagle Scout.

Sawyer, with his parents, April and Frank Wurdock


Sawyer’s Eagle service project was the construction of much needed seven outdoor  benches and three picnic tables for Calvary Memorial Methodist Church, Snow Hill.  Funded by the church, Sawyer and his dad, as well as fellow scouts completed the construction and installation of benches and tables. 

The church often uses this area for meeting and special events.  Sawyer was eager to help the church as his troop is sponsored by Calvary.  His troop leader is Eric Miller. 

Sawyer is the son of April and Frank Wurdock, Snow Hill.

Congratulations, Sawyer!

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