Pink Hill IGA bought by Kyle Contracting, INC

Pink Hill IGA bought by Kyle Contracting, INC

Photo: Kyle Contracting Facebook Page

Kyle Contracting has officially announced they have purchased the IGA building in Pink Hill. Kyle Contracting announced this big move on their Facebook page. 

“We were looking for a place that we could expand, we just needed a bigger shop,” said President Hugh Harper. “We’ve been looking at that [building] for several months. We hope to be able to be moved in by the end of January.” 

“We’re part of the community of Pink Hill, I used to shop at the IGA Prior to its closing”, says Brian Jones, partner. “He [Hugh] and I both are from Duplin County. We went to East Duplin High School.”

The address for their new location is 200 S. Kinston Blvd in Pink Hill.

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