New board hopes to revitalize economic growth in Greene County

New board hopes to revitalize economic growth in Greene County

Contentnea Development Partnership (CDP), a 501 c(3) originally formed in 2002, is working on economic development projects for business owners and organizations of Greene County to assist with small business guidance and loan resources. As of today, CDP officially has a new board. In the past, CDP had a large board with 15 members. The new board of seven consists of business-oriented members committed to economic growth and development.

CDP is comprised of business owners in Greene County. Allison Thomas, the owner of Scarborough Fare Catering & The Martinsborough Events, is President. Mat Stocks of Greene Light Logistics is Vice President and April Vinson, Town Clerk of Hookerton, is Secretary-Treasurer. Board members include Calvin Edwards of The Edwards Group, attorney Erika Churchill, Jason Miller of Lenoir Community College, and entrepreneur Salvador Tinoco. 

The board’s first mission is to re-establish relationships with the local units of government in Greene County. CDP formed the Chamber of Commerce in Greene County in 2003 and partnered with them in the past.

Greene County has faced slow economic growth, and with the current pandemic fears, many business owners are forced to make decisions of how long they can remain open.

“CDP is out in front right now working with business owners and helping them with their recovery loan applications and such,” said Robert Masters, a long-time supporter of CDP. “CDP already has several excellent development projects underway right now. The work is there, and the qualifications are there in CDP to make a positive impact in Greene County. I think the county citizens can look forward to that.”

The board will identify and assess what makes Greene County special and how current success stories and their characteristics can be expanded upon, with goals of creating new jobs, new businesses, and new residents.

“There has not been a more important time for the entrepreneurial spirit and the support of local government and development organizations to help move our rural community forward,” said President Allison Thomas.

Residents of Greene and surrounding counties can receive assistance through education, grants, and/or loans. CDP strives to be a support system in place to help guide, finance, and strategize for the betterment of Greene County.

For more information contact:
Contentnea Development Partnership
217 N. Greene St
Snow Hill, NC 28580

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