Governor Cooper: Optimistic for Phase 1 implementation next week

Governor Cooper: Optimistic for Phase 1 implementation next week

Governor Roy Cooper issued the following statement at today’s press conference:

“Last week, we shared our three-phase plan to ease restrictions and how we’ll measure progress. Some are on track but there are potential warning signs ahead. But, you’ve made tremendous sacrifices and it’s working. By looking out for your health and others, you're making a difference.

“Last week we shared details on key indicators we’re watching to ensure data and facts guide our decisions. Those graphs are updated daily on the Case Count Dashboard at We remain optimistic the trends will be stable enough to move us into Phase 1 next week.

“My message today is to stay vigilant. Right now, we need people to continue following the Stay At Home order so that we can move into the phases of easing restrictions. Complacency could risk lives and undo these plans.

“The three-phase plan is like a dimmer switch, letting us gradually lift restrictions so that we can get moving again without a dangerous spike in infections. This approach and the indicators we're watching follow the guidance of the President’s Coronavirus Task Force.

“Even as we ease restrictions, if you the people don’t feel safe, it won’t work. In order for the people to be with us, there has to be trust and a knowledge that they can feel safe when they work, shop and eat out.

“That’s why we’re looking at facts & science to guide the way. That’s why we’re asking businesses to take precautions for their employees and customers. We must get the economy running better, but we need working people to trust that they will feel safe as we move forward.”

“Though our lives have been forever changed, there are signs of hope. An experimental drug tested at UNC shows promise of easing COVID-19 symptoms. I want to thank the researchers for their work. It shows the importance of strong research and science at our state universities.

“Learning about new drugs and vaccine development is encouraging. But they will take time. Our job is to do what we know works right now. Keep our physical distance, sanitize, stay at home. I know this is a difficult time for many people, but there is hope and there is a plan.

“This plan is based on data, science and facts. It prioritizes the health and safety of our communities while focusing on ways to jumpstart our economy safely. Doing it the right way will give people confidence in institutions and each other that it is safe to move forward.”

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COVID-19 trends by Dr. Mandy Cohen, NCDHHS Secretary:

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2020-04-30 (14).png
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