Effective Friday at 5:00pm - Indoor gathering limit lowered to slow the spread of COVID-19

Effective Friday at 5:00pm - Indoor gathering limit lowered to slow the spread of COVID-19


In an effort to drive down our increasing COVID-19 trends, Governor Cooper announced that North Carolina’s indoor mass gathering limit will be lowered from 25 to 10 people. On Nov. 11, NCDHHS reported the state's highest one-day increase of COVID-19 positive tests with more than 3,000 cases reported.

Hospitalizations and the percent of tests that are positive have increased as well. While the safest thing to do for our loved ones is to limit travel and avoid getting together in person, there are steps you can take if you do plan to celebrate:

Check out the Thanksgiving and Black Friday guidance for ways to celebrate safely. Consider getting tested for COVID-19 about 3-4 days before you travel. A positive test tells you to stay home and isolate, but a negative test doesn't give you a free pass.

You still need to practice the 3 Ws: Wear, Wait and Wash.Make sure to get your flu shot. Join the more than 365,000 North Carolinians who have downloaded the SlowCOVIDNC Exposure Notification App.

Watch: How to stay safe on Thanksgiving

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